In simple terms, Profiling is grinding and shaping the "rocker" radius of the skate blade. Still confused?. Well think of a rocking chair and the shape of the rocker. If you change the rocker's curve, the chair will either rock faster or slower depending on how it is shaped. If you alter a skate's rocker, it's performance will change too.
Why consider a radius for your skates? Well, if you are a serious hockey player, a custom radius can improve your entire game. Here's why. Skates and blades made by the various manufacturers are very basic in design and come from the factory with the same generic radius, a one-zize fits all shape. Imagine if hockey sticks only came in one flex and curve. Well, that one curve would only work for a small percentage of players.
Another thing you must consider is that even on brand new skate pairs, that 80-90% of them come from the factory with a MISMATCHED radius, meaning the left blade's radius is different than the right. Improper balanced radius can really mess up your game.
Watch this video on profiling!