Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Goalie crisis!

So you're playing a game and your team only dresses one goalie and he get's injured... The coach turns to you and says: "Jimmy, we need you in net."

Being a hockey players means you shut up and get on with the job. Connor Crisp had to endure this crazy bit of ill timed luck this week in the OHL no less. For those that don't know the OHL is one of the toughest junior leagues out there and most of the guys in this league have a shot at the big time. The night before the game one of the two goalies for the Errie Otters failed a concussion test and the coach was forced to make a tough decision. He felt that the likelyhood of another goaltender getting injured right after the other one was highly unikely and in most instances it is except Murphy's law played a wicked hand on this one.

1:45 into the game the starting goaltender was plowed into by a player from the opposing Niagra Ice Dogs team. The coaching staff were confident that Ramis Sadikov would get up and carry on but they were wrong - he was also man down. Connor Crisp rushed down to the dressing room and the equipment staff helped him put on goalie gear which he had never before worn including a pair of goalie skates 3 sizes to small! Crisp made 32 saves in total which is an enormous number however his team allowed 45 shots in total on the poor guy. The end score 13-4 to the Ice Dogs. The memorable part for Crisp is that he was awarded man of the match and he received a standing ovation from the opposing teams home crowd - a rarity in most sports.

Well done Connor Crisp you deserve the accolades young man. Now go back to playing forward!!